
Frequently Asked questions:


How do I contact Sports Hub in my area?

 Please contact your closest Franchisee (https://sportshubcoaching.co.za/contact/) or Contact Coach Henk – 083 388 1722  / info@sportshubcoaching.co.za if you are unsure who to contact.

Signing up/Enrolment 

How do I sign up for Sports Hub?

Sign up online in less than 60 seconds by following our easy online enrolment process www.sportshubcoaching.co.za/enrol 

Can I sign up during the year/during a term?

Yes! You are welcome to join in at any time. Please make contact with your coach and they will get back to you with all the details 

Do I need to enrol every year?

Yes please! We understand that life changes from year to year and your child’s session information could change too. Please enrol at the start of every year to make sure you have all the info. 

Can I give Sports Hub a try for a Free lesson?

Absolutely! Please feel free for your child to pop in and try one of our lessons. All you need to do is make contact with your coach to let him know that you are coming for a Free Trial. 

Your childs session 

What happens if the weather is bad?

In order to give you as much value as possible, we never cancel. If the weather is bad, we will either use an indoor venue or classroom. 

How many lesson are there in a term?

We don’t have a minimum amount of lessons! Sports Hub Coaches every week of the school term. As long as there is school, there will be Sports Hub! We want as much time as possible out on the field.

How long are the lessons?
Play Ready (Turning 3/4) – 30 minutes 
Sports Ready (Turning 5/6) – 40 minutes
Match Ready (Turning 7+) = 1 hour
When should I pay?

Please pay your Coaching Fee within 2 weeks of your child’s first session. Make contact with your coach if you have any queries. 

How do I order Sports Hub Clothing

During your enrolment process, you can indicate if you would like to order a Sports Hub T-shirt/Cap. If you would like to order one during the year, please make contact with your coach. 

How does Sports Hub look after the safety of my child?

Sports Hub Coaches take the safety of your children very seriously. Our coaches are trained and prepared. On the sports field, we are aware that injury can happen. We do everything in our control to make sure that injury doesn’t happen, but we are also prepared for the worst. Should anything serious take place, your coach will inform you and take the necessary precautions. Please note that Sports Hub cannot be held liable for any accident that may occur. 

Communication and Feedback

Do you provide feedback/evaluation and can I make contact if I need anything?
Yes! All Sports Hub children will go through Sports Hub evaluation process (Red-to-Green) and parents/schools will be given feedback at the end of each year. Please feel free to check in with your coach if you need anything at any time. 



Mohlomi is very passionate about Sport, and his passion is to make sure that every child can play sport. Mohlomi believes that by giving children the belief in themselves, they will discover that they can be play sport. He has over 7 Years of experience in coaching and working with foundation phase children, including running a soccer club and over a year of experience at Sports Hub. When Mohlomi is not coaching, he enjoys playing cricket and going for adventures with friends.

Contact Number: 068 441 3670

Email: vanderbijlpark@sportshubcoaching.co.za

Contact Us!

Let us know if you have any general queries and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!

or click here to enrol today!